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Franz Schubert contributed significantly to Romanticism by creating works that became a vessel for the most intimate sentiments of the human soul, especially through the use of the aphoristic forms of Romantic pianism, true keys to the compositional experimentation of the time. Among these, the six Moments Musicaux D 780 certainly represent one of the highest points in the expressive condensation process carried out by the Viennese composer, who worked on them repeatedly between 1823 and 1828. The first two were conceived at the beginning of 1823, the third and fourth in December of that same year and the following one, while the fifth and sixth were completed in July 1828 and published in the same month along with the others as Op. 94. Despite their staggered genesis, the collection presents a natural continuity and a common denominator in its tripartite form and melodic linearity, starting with the first, in C major, where a serenely lyrical theme is developed and intensifies in the central part of the piece.

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