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JOANNA SOCHACKA - Chopin Preludes, Polonaise Fantasy

Joanna Sochacka - polish pianist, s a prizewinner of more than 25 international piano competitions in England, USA, Estonia, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary incl. Medici International Music Competition (II prize - 2021), 17th Citta di Padova International Competition in Padua (I prize and all special prizes - 2019). described by critics: ”she is not only playing…she lives in music” (Sonja Koller, General Anzeiger), “pianist who explores with intelligence and great pianistic culture the very different sound worlds” (Remi Franck, Pizzicato Magazine),”one of the most promising artists of the young generation” (Cihan Barrut, Classical Mag), “amazingly powerful and hypnotic, pianist who knows what she is about” (Lynn René Bayley, ArtMusic Lounge), “young pianist with great freedom and full control of the instrument” (Agata Kwiecińska, Ruch Muzyczny), “volatile virtuosity together with keeping up the intensity of playing and exciting passion.”(Jean Dandresy, Clic Mag), “a woman on a mission.” (Ralph Graves, WTJU Virginia).

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