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On The Way. Times. Lands. SAPIANO DUO

Playing the piano can be quite lonely at times, but it should
always provide pleasure, and through this open paths to new
experiences. Like many other pianists, Despina Apostolou-
Hölscher and Jeferson Ulbrich spent most of their time
practicing the piano solo repertoire.
Eventually both pianists became weary of playing on their
own and started to rehearse and perform together piano
music for four hands, as SAPiano Duo.
What started with a few meetings has now grown into
numerous concerts and engagements in Germany and
abroad. A reliable sense for choosing the right repertoire,
constantly listening to each other and a common musical
vision are crucial aspects for the Piano Duo.
Hence, being lonely at the piano – which is still part of the
work – turns into creative music playing together and finally
into an experience that is shared with the audience.

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